After I left the rehearsal, I was whisked away to my friend Kate's house to spend my last night as a Miss.  This was it.  The rehearsal was over, every table number, lantern, place card, decoration, program, menu and frame was in its rightful place and all that was left to do was get a good night's sleep and awake early to become Mrs. Jet.

Good night's sleep, my ass.

If anyone ever tells you they gracefully drifted off to sleepy-land at a reasonable hour the night before their wedding, they are straight up LY. ING.  

Surrounded by most of my girls - we stayed up chatting about guys, houses, babies, engagements, pizza, R. Kelly, boobs, this really warm blanket that I found on Kate's couch, then pizza again.  So we ordered pizza and kept chatting.  

A few hours later, I took a nice, hot shower and reflected on everything that had happened over the last week.  I thought about our families and all of our friends who were in town, ready to celebrate my and Mr. Jet's love.  I thought about Mr. Jet who was just a few miles away with his guy friends drinking beer and chatting about...well, I don't really know...but it was probably pizza and boobs too.  I thought about the people who weren't there to celebrate with us, the ones I've lost and lost touch with.  I thought about our parents, who've supported us since the day we met.  I thought about how much I would or would not cry.  I thought all the thoughts.

After my thoughtful, and now cold, shower, I went upstairs and found an adorably decorated bed waiting for me.  I felt so loved, so content and SO excited.
I wrote my last post as a Miss and finally fell asleep alongside BM V.  Approximately one minute later, my alarm went off.

Next time on The NewlyJets: I row a boat.
Previously on The NewlyJets:
  • The Rehearsal

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