Marriage is a magnificent opportunity to share one’s life with another
And to enjoy the adventures inherent in this most intimate of human relationships.
Today, we gather here to celebrate with Alison and Mark
As they embark on this voyage of discovery.

Alison and Mark,
From this day forward,
This date - the 19th of October
Will always have a special meaning for you
As the day you vowed to love and cherish each other
In all ways, always.

Each year when you come upon your anniversary
We all encourage you to re-dedicate yourselves to the vows you make here today.
Express your gratitude to each other for the ways that you have effectively loved
And supported one another,
And forgive yourselves and each other
For any judgments that have come between you.

Show each other that you can be trusted and counted on as a comfort
When facing difficult times,
And celebrate abundantly the successes and joys life brings your way.
Let your love lead the way and be more important than anything else.
Then, your lives together will be filled with blessings and joy.

Alison and Mark, do you, with family and friends as your witnesses,
present yourselves willingly and of your own accord to be joined in marriage?

(Alison & Mark: We Do!)

Will you promise to care for each other in both the joys and sorrows of life
and share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your lives together?

(Alison & Mark: We Will!)

Then please turn to one another and share the vows which you have written.

To take care of you when the slightest cold has seemingly become the flu.
To tell you when your choice in facial hair is creeping me out.
To plan parties, vacations and college funds and keep all the paperwork in color-coded folders for you to casually peruse.
To laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry and then laugh when you cry to get you to feel better.
To be honest when I break a french press and hurry out to buy a new one before you have the time to miss it.
To share even my really-good leftovers with you even when it's all I've thought about all day.
To watch you grow old and wrinkly a solid four years ahead of me and love every minute of it.
To laugh at all of your bad jokes and vine videos.
To grow our love every day until we reach our last.
To take care of your heart and to let you take care of mine too.
To become a family from this day forward.
To love you always.
These are my vows to you, today and every day.
I'm so happy that you chose me 6 years ago and even happier that you chose forever.

Well, we wouldn't be Mr. & Mrs. Jet if I weren't hyper organized and had a draft of my vows and Mr. Jet hand-wrote his onto a piece of scrap paper.  That scrap paper is long gone, but I can assure you, there was not a dry eye anywhere after his vows!  They live on on an HD Camcorder that's hidden somewhere in our wedding bins, so it'll be a nice surprise to break that out and remember his lovely words. :)
Photos (unless otherwise noted) by James F. Reilly

Next on The NewlyJetsWe exchange rings.
Previously on The NewlyJets:
The Rehearsal
The Night Before
The Wake-Up Call
The Ladies Get Ready
The Dress
The Bridezilla
The First Look
The Portraits...and the Mailman
The Trolley Portraits
More Portraits & A Good Luck Charm
The Pre-Wedding Snack
Portraits of Some Ladies
Portraits of Some Gents
The Big Solo
The Ceremony Processional
The Bride Makes An Entrance
Gathering Words, A Remembrance, A Reading

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